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My Immigration story

It's just a few days after our 8th Aliya anniversary. To me, it sounds surreal: a journey that demanded every ounce of my energy is finally over. It began about two years before the date we set foot in Israel and has now, at last, come to an end.

The realisation that our immigration project was finally complete dawned on us most unexpectedly. A chance encounter with a friend led us to Baton (or Button), a fluffy little creature about to change our lives in ways we couldn't yet comprehend. This friend, a true animal whisperer, assured us that Baton was meant for our family. And she was right.

On my wife Olga's birthday, accompanied by our son Mark, we welcomed Baton into our lives.

In a week or two, it became evident that we gained a home. As our dog, we called him Baton (or Button), got his home, we gained ours.

Now, I feel like this chapter of my life is over, and I am compelled to tell the story while the memories are still vivid. It's not just for reminiscing but to capture the essence of a journey that might resonate with or even aid others.

Part 2: Thoughts and preparation

Part 2: Thoughts and preparation

Preparing for Aliyah from Moscow was a complex emotional journey. I was trying to balance my religious identity, family dynamics, and the desire...

Part 4: Our first attempt

Part 4: Our first attempt

In 'Our first attempt,' discover the challenges and realizations of a family's initial foray into life in Israel, exploring their encounter with...

Part 5: Back to Ashkelon

Part 5: Back to Ashkelon

In 'Back to Ashkelon,' follow a journey of renewed hope and challenging setbacks, as a family returns to Israel with entrepreneurial aspirations.

Part 6: Securing the basics

Part 6: Securing the basics

In this part of the story, I struggle with the consequences of my previous reckless immigration attempt and finding my first job in Israel.

Part 7: Herzliya

Part 7: Herzliya

In the final chapter, I describe a family's journey that comes full circle as we settle into our new life in Israel.