Part 1: A 19-year-old webmaster
Years active: 2002 - 2007. Role description: Freelance web development and SEO consulting
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A few years ago, I naïvely wandered into the most fun of all the social networks, Linkedin – where cat videos fear to tread, and memes are replaced with motivational quotes. I was a 35-year-old boy searching for a job for the first time. What a treat it was!
It took me quite a while to understand the rules of career-focused lingo. Adjusting my LinkedIn profile was like putting a round peg into a square hole. Every buzzword I put there felt like a small betrayal of oneself.
I was persistent, and about half a year into the process of wrestling with corporate jargon, my first full-time gig was secured. The trick was that I was searching for my first job ever in the new country: Israel. But this is a different story I told here: Aliyah That's a whole other rollercoaster!
Looking at my profile right now, I ask myself, "Who is this corporate drone?" Spoiler alert: It is me. I am the drone.
I have decided to break free from the constraints of proper language, being a conformist problem solver, and delivering results conventionally. Instead, I am writing my own story by being ridiculous, doing things that may not be socially acceptable or may not be appreciated on a resume, but most importantly, by being true to myself.
Years active: 2002 - 2007. Role description: Freelance web development and SEO consulting
Years active: 2005 - 2011. Role description: Co-founder of an innovative e-commerce venture specialising in fashion retail.